Little Bethlehem
Apostolic Faith Church, Inc.
"Pressing Toward the Mark" Philippians 3:14
1305 Tarboro Street
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
(252) 446-5798 - office • (252) 316-9866 - fax

Contact Us
Our entire church family
offers a special invitation for you to join us
in any of our services!
1305 Tarboro Street
Rocky Mount, NC 27801
If you have any additional questions or need to contact us:
Church Office - (252) 446-5798
Church Fax - (252) 212-5798
Order of Services
Sunday School
Sunday Worship Service
12 noon
Wednesday Bible Study
7:00pm (via Zoom)
Meeting ID: 829 9593 6509
Password: 487772
First Friday Evangelistic Service
(held each first Friday of the month unless otherwise noted)
First Sunday - Pastoral Sunday
Second Sunday - Brotherhood Sunday
Third Sunday - Missionary Sunday
Fourth Sunday - Young People's Sunday
Atlantic Regional Conference​
Bishop Vernon Spinks, Diocesan
Suffragan Bishop George Dobbin, Chairman
Atlantic Regional Conference Assemblies
Christ Temple of the Apostolic Faith, Inc., Garner, NC
Suffragan Bishop George Dobbin, Pastor
Praise Temple Apostolic Faith Church, Raleigh, NC
Bishop Vernon Spinks, Pastor
Faith in the Word Ministries, Raleigh, NC
Elder Steven Judd, Pastor
Love and Fellowship Ministries, Durham, NC
Elder Paul Stanley, Pastor
St. Lewis Missionary Baptist Church, Chinquapin, NC
District Elder Dan A. Smith, Pastor
Restoration Apostolic Temple, Burgaw, NC
District Elder Dan A. Smith, Pastor
ReChurch, Charlotte, NC
Elder Terrance Bridges, Pastor
Safe Haven Apostolic Church, Raleigh, NC
Elder Durrell McCray, Pastor
Open Door Christian Ministries, Columbia, SC
Lady Janice Mitchell, Overseer
Praise and Deliverance Apostolic Church, Columbia, SC
District Elder James Sears, Jr., Pastor
Tabernacle Worship Center, Darlington, SC
Elder Q. R. Smith, Pastor
Freedom Temple of Praise, Rocky Mount, NC
Apostle Jeffrey Mann, Pastor
Mt. Moriah Holiness Church Kingstree, SC
Suffragan Bishop Joseph A. Woods, Pastor
First Love Christian Ministries, Cary, NC
Elder Michael Norris, Pastor
God's Will Apostolic Ministries, Essex, MD
Elder Charles Bennett, Pastor